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Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Connect with the World’s Suffering Without Overwhelm
I went on a month-long news fast last year. The state of our world — including the war in Ukraine, mass shootings, and environmental...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Find and Follow Your Inner Compass
We all experience transition. It is inevitable as long as we exist. It is the order of nature: weather changes, seasons shift, and people...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Find Peace in Uncertainty
The sun shines through the pond, with its light caressing me underwater. A breeze makes a current and sways my stalk. I'm a lotus,...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Switching the Lenses
I love spending time outdoors. I enjoy taking photos of the beauty around me while hiking or just relaxing in my backyard. Lying on the...

Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Standing Up For Your Values
“I’m fine Catherine’s smile froze at the end of the sentence. Her strained voice and frowned eyebrows betrayed her words. “Are you sure?”...

Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
Spring Self-Exploration
A wind blows through the tall oak tree in front of our retreat cottage. It shakes off dried leaves, the only reminder of the winter storm...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Plant Seeds of Joy
Yellow daisies, Indian blanket, prairie verbena, and buttercup. Rainbow-colored wildflowers popped up in our yard. Butterflies and bees...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Keep Your Doors Open
"Mike wanted me to leave. It was so obvious in his attitude," Jeff says bitterly. He recently resigned from the company he had worked...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Kintsugi: The Japanese Art of Finding Beauty in Imperfection
The earth-colored ceramic bowl was decorated with golden lines. They were not arranged in patterns and flowed like a stream, freely...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Pause, Feel, and Move Forward
My heart is tightening with a feeling again. I’m familiar with this experience. Sadness, irritation, or resistance — whatever the emotion...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Intention Matters
I recently planned a 4-session outdoor class series, Mindful Walking and Yoga. I invited the community to practice walking meditation and...

Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
Thriving in the Desert
I recently camped in the Big Bend National Park in Texas, U.S.A. It was so lovely to see many colorful wildflowers and succulents...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Lunar Eclipse, Grief, and Continuum
The arc of darkness is slowly advancing over the golden full moon. It is a subtle move but undeniable. Little by little, Earth’s shadow...

Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Raise the Bar Mindfully
“If you don’t raise the bar, how will you know your potential? - L. Tom Perry As a cloud moves over the sun, the shadow rolls down the...

Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Reframe 'I Can't'
I have read Matthew McConaughey’s advice about never saying, “I can’t” when dealing with a challenge¹. It is the teaching he received...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Work for Work's Sake
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, …” A volleyball bounces between us with childlike joy. “Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, …” Our...

Surapsari Fujimaru
5 min read
Blessings of Decision Paralysis
Here I am again. I reached a Y junction. I must choose between two options. I go over the numbers once more. The first list shows the...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
The Art of Getting Lost
Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. — Henry David Thoreau American culture has an aversion to getting lost. Our...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
My life partner, Kimball, and I recently added the Rummy card game to our pastimes. Kimball is a skilled rummy player with good...

Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
It is a time of danger, suffering, and pain. It is a rip current that sweeps out to the deep water far away from the shore of safety. Its...
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