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Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
New Year, New Vision
The New Year began in silence. After the temple near my home in Chiba, Japan struck the 108th bell for purification at midnight, silence...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Reflect, Release and Realize
I rest under the tree and feel the breeze caressing my skin. The passing cloud reminds me of constant changes in life. I'm on a retreat...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Switching the Lenses
I love spending time outdoors. I enjoy taking photos of the beauty around me while hiking or just relaxing in my backyard. Lying on the...
Surapsari Fujimaru
4 min read
Move Forward with Goal Setting
You cannot value dreams according to the odds of their coming true. Their real value is in stirring within us the will to aspire. That...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
The Practice of Self-Empowerment
Another gust slammed into my one-person tent, forcefully pushing its wall toward my lying body. The sound of howling wind echos through...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Raise the Bar Mindfully
“If you don’t raise the bar, how will you know your potential? - L. Tom Perry As a cloud moves over the sun, the shadow rolls down the...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Reframe 'I Can't'
I have read Matthew McConaughey’s advice about never saying, “I can’t” when dealing with a challenge¹. It is the teaching he received...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Work for Work's Sake
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, …” A volleyball bounces between us with childlike joy. “Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, …” Our...
Surapsari Fujimaru
5 min read
Blessings of Decision Paralysis
Here I am again. I reached a Y junction. I must choose between two options. I go over the numbers once more. The first list shows the...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
The Art of Getting Lost
Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. — Henry David Thoreau American culture has an aversion to getting lost. Our...
Surapsari Fujimaru
5 min read
Career Transition After the Loss of Your Spouse
“Don’t make any big changes in the first year of grieving,” my grief counselor warned me. “Relocation, a new relationship, career...
Surapsari Fujimaru
5 min read
Healing and Finding Your Way Through Art
The dancing flames light up the dark yard. The cracking sounds of firewood echo through the night. The light reveals the drawings I’m...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Have you ever wondered what makes people successful? Effort, talent, skills, persistence, resilience — there are many success factors....
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
My life partner, Kimball, and I recently added the Rummy card game to our pastimes. Kimball is a skilled rummy player with good...
Surapsari Fujimaru
11 min read
Hiking My Life Path: Reflection and insight on the hiking trails in the Rocky Mountains
Hiking trails are like life paths. Some parts of them are steep inclines, while others are gradual descents. Some go through meadows, and...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
The Art of Closing
I place the tea bowl on my left palm and mindfully turn it twice clockwise. As I bring the bowl to my mouth, the deep aroma of matcha...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Let Your Values Guide You
"What are your most important values?" This simple question often stops my clients. Awkward smile, silence, "Ah, yeah, hum…" Some clients...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Spring Clean Your Mind
I love spring. Watching new leaves and flowers emerging is uplifting and inspiring. I open the windows, feel the fresh air, and enjoy the...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
The Practice of Receiving and Giving
“Terima kasih (thank you)!” A joyful voice echoes through my memories of Bali. I was fortunate to live on the Island of Gods before...
Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
Expand Your Horizon
White sand rolls over the hills until it meets infinity. Golden rays of the rising sun slide along the slopes. The sheer beauty of the...
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